Thursday, March 28, 2013

Yoroshicookie: my new venture as a writer

Ah, and here I am once again with a new blog, start and promise to myself. Seems this is becoming routine. Well, thinking about it, I haven't really failed to commit to blogging at all. Rather, I've had a troubles maintaining domains.

I promised myself in 2011 that I'd continuously blog and produce multiple posts a week. That plan felt short when I made the mistake of focusing my blogging exploits on a new project, PROJECT IDOLDOME. A multi-editor blob project which came about after meeting a comrade at AKB's 2012 concert in march.

It took awhile to kick things off on that site, during that time and due to stresses at work, I hadn't any energy for writing. Then when IDOLDOME kicked off, my partner in crime subsequently abandoned the project leaving me high and dry... and plenty broke. As for IDOLDOME itself, the site didn't see much activity; whereas I was incredibly active for over a year on WanderingWota (now defunct), The Dome seemed to drain my creativity. I've never been one to write solely about any one topic, so by focusing on that site without any side project where I could freely speak my mind, writing became a tedious chore.

My current relationship with The Dome is one to two posts every one to two months. Pretty pathetic for a site which took so much money to fund and is still a burden on my bank account. Fortunately Idoldome sees a bit more activity with help from other writers like Banana, who's not too active herself.

Speaking of Banana-chan, the name "Yoroshicookie" was inspired by her and a skype chat we had where she was joking around on cam pretending to be an idol. She's a really funny girl who has me dying every minute... it's hard for me to create names, it's usually a painstaking effort which takes me months. It's nice for a change that one of my blog names was born in laughter rather than headache. I owe that to Banana.

As for Yoroshicookie, this blog should remain active for years to come. I'm not filtering myself here to any one subject and I'm going to try to grind out a few posts a week. I wouldn't be all that surprised if I ended up posting more about idols on this blog than I ever did on Idoldome. Well, Yoroshicookie Onegaishimasu.